Voluntário no MASH
MASH não poderia correr sem a nossa incrível (premiada!) e dedicada equipa de voluntários treinados que doam o seu tempo e perícia em várias funções vitais. Estes incluem o apoio na entrega, na carrinha do MASH, nas ruas e nas saunas.
Os voluntários também nos apoiam em funções mais especializadas, tais como no nosso conselho de administração ou ajudando na angariação de fundos e marketing.
Os nossos voluntários vêm de todo o tipo de origens e trazem uma variedade de competências e experiência. O que têm em comum é o compromisso de aparecerem para as mulheres com quem trabalhamos no MASH e um incrível entusiasmo e paixão.
All of our volunteers undertake comprehensive training and receive ongoing support, supervision and updates on important policies which help to keep everyone safe and included. Regular volunteer meetings keep everyone up to date and social events help people get to know each other. We also send out a monthly volunteer newsletter to keep all volunteers updated on MASH news.
In 2018 MASH was recognised with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services, the equivalent of an MBE for charities. We also won best ‘Volunteering Team’ in the 2023 Spirit of Manchester Awards. In 2024 we were also shortlisted for Volunteer Involving Organisation at these awards.

Candidate-se a ser voluntário do MASH
Please read the role profiles below carefully before applying in the form at the bottom of the page and think about what role and which days you would be available to volunteer.
If you have any questions feel free to contact our volunteer co-ordinator Solomon Hayes on 0161 273 4555 or volunteers@mash.org.uk
MASH Drop-in Centre Volunteer
MASH Drop-in Centre Volunteers support other volunteers and paid staff. They act as a welcoming first point of contact for anyone accessing services at the MASH Drop-In Centre. They help to assess people’s needs and provide information and support on a range of issues. They also have an important “hospitality” role, providing refreshments and ensuring everyone feels welcome.
MASH Late-Night Street Van Outreach Volunteer
MASH Van Volunteers are part of a small team which visits areas of the city frequented by street based sex workers. Working alongside a MASH staff member they are based on the MASH Van from 7pm or 8pm – midnight. They help to create a sense of safety on the streets.
The friendly, supportive services they provide include advice on sexual health and safer injecting practice, providing a needle exchange and sharing “Dodgy Punter” reports.
MASH On-Foot Daytime Outreach Volunteer
One volunteer accompanies our daytime Outreach & Engagement Worker on their daily sessions into Manchester city centre.
MASH offers support to women who are visibly rough sleeping or begging if they would like to take it up. They help to connect people who have unmet needs with partners who can offer expert support.
MASH Occasional and Specialist Volunteers
Some people with specialist skills volunteer for us on an occasional or one off basis. If you have a skill like hairdressing, arts or cooking you’d like to offer get in touch and we’ll look at how we could work together.
MASH Placements
MASH partners with Manchester University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Salford University and others to offer limited placement and shadowing opportunities.
For more information about this speak to your course leader or get in touch with our Volunteer Co-Ordinator at volunteers@mash.org.uk
Sue’s Space Member
This volunteering role is open to any woman who is currently or has previously sex worked and has accessed support from MASH.
Sue’s Space meets every month to discuss ideas and influence key issues that are important to women engaging with MASH. The Sue´s Space advisory panel serves as an advisory body to provide insights, feedback, and recommendations to the senior leadership team and trustee board of MASH.
To apply for this role, and get more information, please contact Solomon Hayes, Volunteer Coordinator: volunteers@mash.org.uk
Find more detailed descriptions of the roles available, responsibilities and eligibility criteria below:
Os voluntários são tão simpáticos. Eles são o máximo! Fazem também grandes cervejas.
Utilizador do Serviço MASH
I can’t thank the staff and other volunteers enough for helping me navigate how to best support the women in the drop-in. It’s been so nice to settle and I look forward to it every week.
MASH Volunteer