We are delighted to be commissioning an independent evaluation of the impact of MASH’s services.
MASH is a charity based in Manchester which provides support to women who sex work or are at risk of sex working. The community we support are some of the most marginalised women in the area who face significant barriers to accessing mainstream services and support. We provide non-judgmental, expert advice to these women and aim to help women to be happier, healthier, safer and more able to identify and achieve their goals.
We are seeking an independent researcher or group of researchers to undertake an evaluation of MASH’s services over 2023 and 2024. They will evaluate whether MASH is meeting its stated outcomes through our service delivery.
The research will be carried out between September and January.
Please see the full Invitation to Tender and Theory of Change below.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is midnight on the 9th September 2024.