This #VolunteersWeek MASH would like to say a massive thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, past and present.
Whether you volunteer consistently or just help out when you can, we couldn’t do it without you.

[Image ID: Three images in a row. The first shows three volunteers holding their MASH branded purple and pink certificates to the camera at the drop-in, smiling against a colourful picture on the wall behind them. The second shows Janelle, Fundraising and Communications Officer, smiling in a purple jumper at the camera with three volunteers sat next to her at the Arndale Shopping Centre. The third picture shows two volunteers stood up smiling at the camera holding their certificates to the camera on the MASH van]
We have a team of over 50 volunteers, giving up their time, day in, day out:
– Helping at the Drop-in, supporting women who sex work with a cuppa and some food or offering more crucial emotional support and advice.
– Helping on the outreach van until midnight, offering the same services as the Drop-in, often with women in moments of crisis.
– We also have volunteers helping in fundraising, whether it is running a 10k or supporting with other volunteers at events.
– Our Sue’s Space members are also crucial, made up of women who sex worked in the past or currently do and access MASH’s services. They meet monthly, supporting MASH in our policies and direction.
All of our volunteers are wonderful, kind, caring people. Even just offering a woman a smile can make such a difference and could be what gets her through that day.
Thank you!

[Image ID: Pink background, in the top left corner is a purple MASH banner with the word “Support” and two love hearts surrounding it. Below that is the Volunteers Week 40th Anniversary Logo with a star above it]