Have you ever wondered what support is out there for women who sex work? Have you ever thought about how you could help yourself?
MASH is here to answer all of those questions. We offer vital services for women who sex work, in particular, our Drop-in Centre where women can come in every weekday for food, drinks, emotional support, as well as general chit-chat to escape some of the difficulties they may be experiencing.
Volunteers are the true backbone of the Drop-in Centre. We want to highlight some of the amazing work that these volunteers do.

Francesca is one of our incredible Drop-in volunteers. She helps to welcome the women into the Drop-in Centre every Wednesday, offering a big smile and kindness to make them feel accepted without judgement.
Francesca is a key part of the Drop-in experience for the women and we are so lucky to have her. Don’t just take our words for it, here is what Drop-in Development Worker, Chanti, had to say about her:
“Francesca’s warm personality and calm nature make such a difference to everyone who walks through the door. Her kindness and compassion truly shine through, it’s a pleasure to work alongside her!”
Thanks Francesca, and thanks to all of our amazing volunteering team. We are award winners after all!