What’s the MASH Drop-In?
The MASH drop-in is a welcoming, space just for women.
Whether it’s just to have a bit of time away from work to have something to eat or drink, to use our computers or to speak about something in confidence with our team, we do our best to provide anything you might need.
I can relax at MASH. I’m safe here. The activities are a positive distraction. It’s nice to have something to focus on.”
MASH Service User

What support can I get here?
You can get free condoms, lube and personal attack alarms. We also have a needle exchange, food and refreshments, safety advice and more.
You can also visit the MASH nurse in the clinic, access support for debts or benefits, receive support to report crimes, referrals into other services like mental health, support with finding a home, support for addictions, or if you are experiencing domestic abuse or violence. You can also get support from our counsellors.
We also love to hear from you about what you’d love to see at the drop-in. We’ve had everything from drama and hula hooping to creative writing and picture framing. If you want to learn a new skill or just engage your creative side, we’ll do our best to offer sessions at MASH. You will always have a warm welcome and there are always people around to talk to. Check out our time table to see what activities we’re running now.
Do I have to make an appointment?
No appointment is needed. Just pop in during our opening times. We look forward to seeing you at MASH.
What happens when I visit for the first time?
MASH is a completely confidential service. We will always ask for your initials and date of birth each time you visit. If it’s your first time, welcome!
A member of the MASH team will introduce themselves, show you around and let you know more detail about all the support you can access for free through MASH. They will also talk you through our Code of Conduct which you’ll agree to follow whenever you’re with MASH. It’s all about making the most welcoming and safe space possible.

I’m a bit nervous about attending. What will it be like?
Creating a friendly and welcoming place is a big priority for us at MASH. We have a big open space where you can socialise, eat and be with others.
Or, we have lovely private spaces too for you to be on your own or speak to a MASH support worker.
If you’d like to speak to someone in advance of your visit to find out more, you can call us on our Freephone number 0800 1830 499. MASH is here for you, whatever you need.
Is MASH trans inclusive?
Yes, MASH is an actively trans inclusive organisation. We support anyone who identifies as a woman some or all of the time. We very much look forward to welcoming you to MASH.
‘MASH is very nice and a good place to come for a brew and advice’
MASH Service User
How to find us:
Manchester Action on Street Health
94-96 Fairfield St
M1 2WR
By train or tram:
Arrive at Piccadilly Train station and take the Fairfield Street exit. There is a taxi rank situated here. Turn left along Fairfield Street, walk under all the train track viaducts and MASH is situated on the right.
By Car:
Parking is available on the streets around the drop-in centre
The centre:
MASH is located in a grey building that has a large billboard on one side and a post box near the front door. It is located on the right hand side of Fairfield Street if you are walking from Piccadilly Station.
What’s on
MASH works with trusted partners to offer activities and drop-in information clinics.
Here is our timetable (subject to change)