On Tuesday, MASH and Sue’s Space Trauma-Informed Practice Training was delivered by Involvement Coordinator, Lou, and Trustee, Colette, to a fantastic team of 11 volunteers and 5 staff members.
Sue’s Space is a group of a passionate and committed women, who have been supported by MASH, who are brought together by a drive to make sure that women get a fair shake at what most people take for granted.

The interactive half day training session drew on Sue’s Space experiences, insights and expertise of what works, alongside MASH’s 30 years’ experience of working with women who sex work. The training covered an introduction to trauma and its impacts. We then looked at a journey of trauma informed practices, creating spaces for reflection and discussed what we can do to improve our working/volunteering practices and embed a trauma informed way of working. The session also made us consider the links between experiences of trauma, people’s behaviour and their coping strategies.

Everyone who attended the training was moved by how powerful it was and the feedback was just phenomenal!