Our street team also goes out regularly into Manchester city centre and visits saunas/ massage parlours during the day to offer our support.
Our MASH Van team are out five nights per week in the beat areas (Cheetham Hill and Manchester City Centre) providing support and safety for you too.
You feel safer knowing the MASH van is about. You can get condoms, something to eat and can sit in the warm for a bit if you want.”
MASH Service User

What is the MASH street team and when can I speak to them?
Our MASH team goes out into Manchester city centre during the day on weekdays to offer confidential support to any women who are possibly sleeping rough or begging.
We also make regular visits to saunas/ massage parlours to give out free condoms, safety advice and signpost to services that might be useful like our free sexual health screenings for sex workers.
I work indoors. Will MASH visit my place of work and when?
If you work in Manchester, please feel free to call us on 0800 183 0499 and we can let you know when we’ll be popping by or if we can add your workplace to our list.
What is the MASH van?
The MASH Van is our mini, mobile version of the MASH Centre which our team takes out at night onto the streets of Cheetham Hill and Manchester city centre. This is usually from 8pm until midnight every weekday.
You can speak to our team, get free condoms and needle exchange, hot drinks and food and more.
We also often have interpreters with us who can support you if English is not your first language.

How can I access the MASH van and what help can I get?
If you see the MASH van, we’ll be looking out for you. We’ll stop and check whether you’d like to speak to us.
Can MASH come to me?
If you need support at your home or are unable to visit the MASH Centre, you can speak to your case worker to agree a meeting point or home visit.
We can also support you and accompany you to appointments e.g. with the council or health services.
Can I get support over the phone?
Yes, you can speak to the MASH team on the phone (0800 183 0499) or Facetime if that’s more convenient for you. Our team will do their very best to help you with anything you need.
What do I have to do to get support from MASH? Will you tell anyone what we discuss?
You can rest assured that MASH is a completely confidential service. We will never disclose anything you share to anyone else except in a circumstance where you at risk of immediate harm or danger. We take your initials and date of birth each time you use our services.
I mainly work online. Can I access support from MASH?
Yes, MASH is here for any woman in Greater Manchester who is sex working or thinking about it.
Please feel free to phone or visit in person if you require support for anything. We also have some online information, resources and links to sex worker friendly organisations here.