We’re being ambitious, but the need driving it is greater than ever.
We urgently need your help to raise £20,000 in one week.
And every £1 raised will be doubled by the Big Give Christmas Challenge, meaning we could raise £40,000 overall!
The donate link will go live at noon on Tuesday 29 November and stay open for just 7 days.
We plan to do so much with this money, when we’re out at night on the MASH van, helping the growing number of women who sex work on the streets of Manchester.
Why now?
The number of women approaching the service for the first time, or returning after several years away, has increased significantly since the start of 2022, with the cost-of-living crisis being a key factor.
MASH supported 111 new service users between December 2021 and April 2022, the highest number of new women we have seen in one quarter in four years. Numbers are rising.
Many are stating the spike in costs of energy bills, food and housing combined with ongoing issues with Universal Credit payments as contributing factors.

The MASH Van
MASH’s outreach van, a specially adapted camper van, is taken out onto the ‘beat’ areas of the city four nights per week. Women can access condoms, food and drink and speak to friendly and non-judgemental case workers and volunteers to get support with anything that is going on in their lives.
“It’s hard to explain what it means to me when I see the MASH van come around the corner. They give me free condoms, hot brews and food. They listen to me. It doesn’t sound like much does it? But it really is. I know I’m safer when MASH is around.”
Please donate to MASH’s Big Give – one gift, twice the impact!
This is the third time MASH has secured a coveted spot in the Big Give Christmas Challenge. On this occasion, we’re subscribing to the mantra of `go big, or go home’!