This gorgeous tapestry below was created by the women at MASH a few years back at the Drop-in Centre.
Whether women receive emotional support at the Drop-in Centre, or just enjoy a hot drink from the van without any judgement, even a gesture that may seem small to many can go a long way and make a key impact in somebody’s life.
We have been waiting to find a great place for it in the MASH building, and it now takes pride of place in our boardroom. It is a reminder to our staff and anybody who enters of the major impact that our services have had on the women, with quotes directly from the women of what this artwork and MASH means to them.

Filled with colour and memories, this tapestry reminds us of how important it is to offer non-judgemental support to women who sex work.
It also reminds us of just how creative our women are, as well as how incredible they are with words which are so powerful.