It’s that time of year when you might be thinking of donating to MASH to show your support for women who are facing an extremely tough Christmas.
We have always been blown away by people’s generosity around the festive period.
This year, our wish is to welcome some amazing people into our community of MASH regular givers.
There has never been a more urgent time to set up a monthly donation to support women in Greater Manchester.
Following one of our busiest ever years, we want to make sure we can support each woman who needs a lifeline.
You can make this a reality.
Why are monthly donations an amazing way to show your support to women in Greater Manchester?
The best thing is that we can use your funds based on someone’s needs in the moment.
These are some examples of how amazing monthly donors have directly helped women recently;
• A dressing gown and PJs for a woman who was going into hospital, distressed and had nothing to sleep in
•A taxi home for a woman after an intense counselling session at MASH
• A mobile phone with credit for someone whose phone was stolen, leaving them isolated and unsafe
• Kitchen items for someone finally moving into a new flat, dreaming of being more independent

Why are monthly donations important?
Today, we face some of our greatest challenges yet.
More women are turning to sex work or are returning to sex work after a long time away from it.
More women are coming into MASH starving and in survival mode.
Support services are being cut and others are stretched to breaking point. So it is vital that MASH can continue to provide that practical and emotional support to every woman who shows up at our door and on our van.
Setting up a monthly direct debit is a very special way to support women.
The certainty of your regular gift gives us the confidence to plan for the future – safe in the knowledge that, together, we are here for those who need and deserve care.
Help make a difference and start your monthly donation today.
If you already donate and would like to increase your existing Direct Debit or recurring card payment, please contact janelle@mash.org.uk / 0161 273 4555. Thank you for your ongoing kindness and commitment!