In this last month of Summer, we want to highlight even more amazing volunteers and put a special spotlight on some of the wonderful things they have been doing for us at MASH

Kath is not only an amazing Trustee but a phenomenal outreach volunteer. Outreach volunteers go out with a member of staff and interpreters into the city centre and ORB areas to support women who sex work from 8pm until midnight.
Kath is an amazing volunteer and so dedicated to MASH’s goals. An epitome of what makes a compassionate and trauma-informed volunteer. She takes the time to listen to the women when they have concerns, allowing them the space to share their worries. Not only that, but she has even become a volunteer driver too, covering driving a shift when outreach staff are off, and even doing two shifts in a row this month and a later night shift 11pm-6am last month. We are so lucky to have her.
Caroline, Outreach Worker

Maisy is one of our fabulous Drop-in volunteers. She has hit the 6-month mark now and has been a real asset to MASH.
Maisy is a breath of fresh air. She has great chats with the women in a calm way and brings joy with her personality and yummy food, from curries to ratatouille. She has even taken requests from the women for what food they would like her to make the next time she is in. Listening to our service users is so important and Maisy always makes sure to try and spread as much positivity as she can at the drop-in through her kindness and delicious food.
Solomon, Volunteer Coordinator

Alima is another of our great Drop-in Volunteers. Shas been with us just a few months but has settled in so quickly.
Not only is Alima such a nice person who has a heart of gold, but she is just amazingly proactive. She is so helpful in the Drop-in, doing tasks without being asked. Whether it is tidying the store room, tidying clothing donations or going and getting any brews or food the women need. We hope to have Alima with us for a long time!
Hannah, Drop-in Development Worker

Like Alima, Ash has only been supporting at the Drop-in for a few months but has already made such a major impact on our service users.
Ash is currently our only person who identifies as a man and volunteers at drop-in. He brings something unique to the drop-in and the women have really warmed to him. He has such great social skills and awareness, speaking in a calm way and showing great active listening skills. In healthcare many women have faced stigma and judgement. Having a doctor like Ash who demonstrates understanding and kindness is just so important, as well as having a positive male presence around.
Hannah, Drop-in Development Worker